Cinnamon comes from a bushy evergreen tree of the Lauraceae family; the spice is produced from the tree's bark. The dried inner bark is brown, fragrant and sweet. Cinnamon trees grow in moist ...
cinnamon-brown bark peels away like the outer skins of an onion or garlic clove. The paper-thin strips cluster against the tree, catching the afternoon sun beams and creating a stunning effect as ...
and it is often considered "real" cinnamon. It is made from the dried inner bark of a tree called Cinnamomum verum. Growing these trees is an investment. Farmers must wait four years after a tree ...
This is one of the very best of Florida’s native small trees. Cinnamon bark (Canella winterana) is a terrific evergreen tree growing 15 to 20 feet. Beautiful clusters of fragrant reddish pink ...
Like the coconut tree, the cinnamon tree has many by products like the Philippine cinnamon coco sugar, Philippine cinnamon bark chip which is generally boiled for tea and drank as a natural remedy ...