A family of x86 coprocessors from Intel for parallel computing. Dubbed the "Many Integrated Core" (MIC) architecture, Xeon Phi chips run at lower speeds than ordinary Intel CPUs but make up for ...
Intel's next-generation AI and HPC GPU will only be used internally, Jaguar shores will be the real successor for Gaudi 3 in the AI space.
Intel on Thursday said that its codenamed Clearwater Forest processor for data centers will only be launched in the first ...
When Intel released its Xeon 6980P processor, it put the MSRP at $17,800. That price dropped to $12,460, making for a 30% cut in one move. By contrast, the 5th generation AMD Epyc 9654 has an MSRP of ...
as part of a larger family of now-discontinued processors called Xeon Phi. When Intel ended work on Knights Hill in 2017, it decided to begin work on what eventually became known as the Xe GPU ...
If Intel hopes to survive the next few years as a freestanding company and return to its role as innovator, it can not afford ...
Intel has quietly cut the prices of its Xeon 6 processor family, codenamed "Granite Rapids," just four months after their ...
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Marco Chiappetta is a technologist who covers semiconductors and AI. Intel used to subdivide its desktop processors into two segments, one ...