"The 10 mL [millilter] vials of Humalog® and Insulin Lispro Injection are or will be ... She has Type 1 diabetes and uses ...
Insulin lispro protamine suspension 75% (rDNA origin), insulin lispro 25% (rDNA origin) 100 Units/mL; SC inj; contains zinc, m-cresol. The primary activity of insulin is the regulation of glucose ...
Insulin lispro protamine suspension 50% (rDNA origin), insulin lispro 50% (rDNA origin) 100 Units/mL; SC inj; contains zinc, m-cresol. The primary activity of insulin including Humalog Mix50/50 is ...
“They didn’t have any answers for me, so can I use a different insulin ... The FDA is aware there are other insulin products as well as other Humalog/insulin lispro products available ...
The use of the older "follow-on" route to approve ... Admelog has also been approved in Europe as a biosimilar under the name Insulin lispro Sanofi, by the European Commission.