Twelve in a minute, 20,000 a day, 7.5 million a year, most of them indoors. Yet until quite recently, researchers have not paid much attention to the quality of indoor air. “It used to a be a pretty ...
There should be mandatory indoor air quality standards, say an international group of experts led by Professor Lidia Morawska. Professor Morawska, Vice-Chancellor Fellow at the University of ...
Kleenex® Elite Allergen Air Filters MERV 12 and 13 meet strict standards for capturing pollen, allergens, and other microparticles.
We need a law that pushes schools to engage in basic indoor air quality investments, which would benefit students, teachers, ...
The U.S. will struggle to maintain an effective response to a future H5N1 epidemic unless schools are made as "pandemic proof ...
EMBIO Diagnostics is set to showcase its cutting-edge airbeldâ„¢ system at the CEM Conference and Exhibition in Bahrain, in ...
By Ron Strelke Spring is here! The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming… and your sinuses? They’re throwing a full-blown tantrum. If you find yourself sneezing, sniffling, or feeling like ...