Bioidentical hormones are hormones made in a laboratory and derived from hormones naturally produced by the body. These hormones are typically used as a treatment for individuals who have low or ...
Foundation & Claims of Bioidentical Hormones Bioidentical hormones are typically made from soy or yams. Self-help books and the internet promote that bioidentical hormones allow menopausal women ...
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can positively impact the quality and growth of hair and nails. Hormones like ...
Ladies, have you ever felt like your body is running on an outdated operating system? One minute you’re cool, calm and ...
Women’s health and hormone specialist, Dr Fiona Macrae, discusses the role of androgens in men and women's health ...
A bioidentical hormone is a hormone that is exactly the same as the hormones that you made when you were a menstruating woman, so estradiol, estriol, are bioidentical hormones that you were making ...
Her online training program on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has seen fast growth. Charlotte native Donna White's journey with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy began more than ...
You can get breast cancer from anything. I mean nobody knows what causes breast cancer, but bioidentical hormones are still hormones. They are still estrogen. And women think they are not going to ...
Dr. Annie Zhao, a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, talks about Bio-Identical Hormones treatment and Myers Nutrition Therapy.
"Bioidentical hormones" is a term created by the lay media to refer to chemicals derived from plants that are modified to be structurally identical to endogenous human hormones. These compounds ...