Over the last few decades, merino wool has become a staple of outdoor gear. It keeps you warm when the weather is cold but helps you stay cool when it’s warm out. It never gets stinky even with ...
Hailing from New Zealand, Icebreaker have been championing the use of Merino wool and natural fibers ever since they launched their first line of base layers in 1995. Since then, they’ve grown ...
But Ortovox and Minus33 aren’t the only brands tapping into the power of wool. Smartwool began sourcing Merino fibers in 1994. Icebreaker was founded in New Zealand in 1995 based on natural ...
“This collaboration integrates the natural merino wool fibers that icebreaker is known for with Timberland’s iconic aesthetic for a true crossover collection.” But Timberland and icebreaker ...
A chance encounter with a merino wool grower and a prototype fabric inspired Jeremy Moon to embark on a two-decade journey that came to fruition in 2018 with the sale of his Icebreaker outdoor ...