Contents1 Intro1.1 Ingredients1.1.1 Basic Ingredients1.1.2 Variations1.2 Preparation Steps1.2.1 Cooking the Shrimp1.2.2 Making the Cocktail Sauce1.2.3 Assembling the Dish1.3 Serving Suggestions1.4 ...
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Shrimp Cocktail
A shrimp cocktail is a typical finger food appetizer ... Drain; immediately drop shrimp into a bowl of ice water. Discard onion, lemon, parsley, peppercorns and bay leaf. Drain shrimp.
Using an ice shaver or potato peeler, shave the granité into small glass bowls set on a plate, hang the shrimp around the edge of the bowls, and drizzle plates with Niçoise-olive syrup.
Craig: Yeah, that St. Elmo shrimp cocktail. It starts with just four black tiger shrimp in the bowl. It's a iced bowl. Those shrimp are sweet. They have a nice salty bite to them. They're really ...
If you're preparing to host a watch party on Oscar Sunday, we headed straight to an expert to curate an easy, chic, and mobile cocktail party meal.