If you struggle with stomach cramps and bloating, it's worth chatting to your doctor about cutting these from your ...
Maybe you’ve noticed you can’t eat the same foods you used to. Or that your go-to drink prevents you from ever ... well ... going. When managing irritable bowel ...
When it causes constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is called IBS-C, with the "C" standing for "constipation." Oftentimes, the digestive systems of people with IBS-C are sensitive to ...
Learn how to identify triggers, phase in low-FODMAP diets, and other pearls for your patients with IBS who are navigating food-related issues.
Struggling with constipation? These dietitian-recommended canned foods are filled with fiber and gut-friendly nutrients to help keep things moving.
Eating a diet rich in certain foods, including tofu and blueberries, could help alleviate the symptoms of a common stomach condition that causes 'pain' and 'cramping'. Irritable Bowel Syndrome ...
Bloating Common but Often Ignored Nearly 1 in 7 US adults experience bloating, yet few seek help for it, prompting calls for clinicians to proactively ask about the problem. Medscape Medical News ...