Intel i7 3770 3.7GHz vs AMD FX 8350 OC 4.6GHz l 1080p Ad - 0:00 Games : Battlefield V - 0:23 - <a href=""></a> Microsoft Flight ...
Core i7 3770K OC 4.4GHz vs Core i7 9700K OC 5.0GHz l 1080p l Games : Red Dead Redemption 2 - 00:12 Resident Evil 3 - 01:26 Project Cars - 02:45 PUBG - 03:57 Assassin's Creed Odyssey - 05:40 Hitman 2 - ...
Remember that if you want to use this config, you'll probably need to create new USBToolBox usb map for your setup if you are not using same parts as me, also look out for SSDT-PM as it was made for ...
处理器:i7-3770s 主板:Intel DQ77KB 硬盘:Lenovo SSD SL700 120G 内存:海力士 DDR3 1600 * 2 散热器:ID-COOLING IS-20i 机箱:立人 E-T3 Thin-ITX ...