Many of these decision‐making problems necessitate an appropriate model of human behavior. Tools from Utility Theory have been used successfully in several problems in transportation for resource ...
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Social Sciences has gone in this seventeenth edition to social ...
A common interest in language unites social scientists and natural language processing (NLP) researchers. While both fields leverage the strong connection between language and behavior, social ...
The question of what motivates human behavior has long intrigued psychologists. Various approaches are used to assess these underlying motives. The most well-known theory is Abraham Maslow's ...
Game Theory, Complex Systems, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are increasingly pivotal in bringing together diverse methodologies to understand strategic human and economic behaviors. These ...
In an era where the digital revolution is accelerating at an unprecedented pace, attempts to understand the human experience are becoming increasingly complex. Geospatial data has added a ...
So he decided to go back to school, and went to Harvard to study psychology, since he had always enjoyed observing animal and human behavior. For the most part, the psychology department there was ...
This paper is an attempt to broaden the standard economic discourse by importing insights into human behavior not just from psychology, but also from sociology and anthropology. Whereas the concept of ...
With nearly 30 award-winning faculty and almost 150 people in total, we are a vibrant community whose research continues our department’s 100-year tradition of studying the deeper mechanisms and ...
Cytologists had been studying chromosome behavior since the late 19th century. Why did it take until 1956 to figure out the correct human chromosome ... The chromosome theory of heredity was ...