Scientists discover a link between Adiponectin and eating disorders, paving the way for early diagnosis and treatment.
According to new research, however, this effect of anti-TNF therapy is unlikely to be attributable to the agents' effects on circulating levels of the adipocyte-derived hormone adiponectin.
Adiponectin levels were associated with increased likelihood of metabolic health improvements and lower risk for diabetes across 6 years.
It reduces the therapy-induced inflammation without altering antitumor immunity. According to scientists at the Universities of Basel and Freiburg, the key lies in adiponectin, a hormone produced by ...
Those who had just completed a vigorous HIIT session had higher levels of the hormone adiponectin in their milk. This hormone ...
Adiponectin, an adipocyte-specific hormone, circulates at relatively high levels in healthy humans, but at reduced levels in obese subjects. Moreover, case–control studies also document lower ...
Scientists from Saratov State Medical University (SSMU) have identified a connection between eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia) and the fat tissue hormone adiponectin. According to them ...