Homeopathy really does work and doctors should recognise its healing effects, say researchers. A study found that allergy sufferers who were given homeopathic treatment were ten times more likely ...
Constantine Hering (pictured), one of the founders of the Academy and considered to be the “father of American Homeopathy”, served as the journal’s editor. The issues are short but dense, and packed ...
Eight years after study entry one third of the patients (n = 897, 32.9%) still were under homeopathic treatment. 657 patients (24.1%) still consulted that homeopathic physician they had chosen at ...
Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council assessed studies on the effectiveness of homeopathy in treating 68 different conditions, including asthma, arthritis, cold and flu, chronic ...
In 1817, he began studying medicine at a surgical academy in Dresden. By 1820, he was enrolled at the University of Leipzig and during his studies there, he turned to homeopathy after injuring himself ...
Background: Homeopathy is a highly debated but often used medical treatment. With this cohort study we aimed to evaluate health status changes under homeopathic treatment in routine care.