Magic in Harry Potter isn't only limited to wands, although spells and enchantments do form the bulk of the Hogwarts syllabus. Also known as enchantments, charms are distinct from other varieties ...
Despite its importance, one spell is shockingly missing from Hogwarts Legacy, and ought to make a comeback in Hogwarts Legacy 2.
You will be able to take your Charms classes after completing Welcome to Hogwarts, one of the early-game initiation quests. This is also when you will be able to freely explore Hogwarts Castle for ...
Join your fellow wizards-in-training as we learn the science behind Hogwarts charms and potions. We’ll learn how to make different liquids change color with pH, make things disappear and reappear ...
ranging from Hogwarts Legacy's version of the leviosa charm to an overdose of billywig stings.
Absolutely. Even after the initial hype, Hogwarts Legacy remains one of the most immersive wizarding experiences out there.