Find out what percentage of adults have joined or left Buddhism, or remained Buddhist since childhood, in six countries. Pew ...
A minor in Buddhist studies is an excellent adjunct to majors in such fields as religion, philosophy, American studies, anthropology, art history, Asian studies, comparative literature, East Asian ...
Buddhists across the country have joined protests after monks at the Mahabodhi Temple were forcibly removed by police.
What the Netflix hit gets wrong about Buddhist practices - ANALYSIS: Thailand and its Buddhist traditions provide the ...
My name is Hivin and I'm a Buddhist. I follow the teachings of the Buddha, who lived two and a half thousand years ago. He said that life was full of suffering and that suffering was caused by ...
A scholar of Buddhism explains authentic ways to engage deeply with the tradition, ranging from short meditation retreats to full ordination as a monastic.
The first ruler of the Kingdom of Ayutthaya, King Rama Thibodi, made two important contributions to Thai history: the establishment and promotion of Theravada Buddhism as the official religion (to ...
In many countries around the world, a fifth or more of adults have left the religious group in which they were raised.
Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. Demographic Research Vol. 32, JANUARY - JUNE 2015 Is Buddhism the low fertility religion o ...
Welcome to Religions of the World. Buddhism: The Religion of Buddhists. Buddhism is about 2,500 years old and people who follow Buddhism are called Buddhists. Buddhists follow the teachings of a ...
While his scholarship is commendable, his interpretation of “militant Buddhism” fails to contextualize the Sri Lankan case ...