The need for new herbicides has never been more urgent, with over 273 species of weeds now resistant commercially available ...
Acceptable control of some species will require the use of alternate or additional herbicide active ingredients. Examples of species not effectively controlled with 2,4-D plus dicamba include bedstraw ...
Those are called contact, non-selective herbicides. Glyphosate (Roundup) is an example. When you apply it, it is absorbed into the plant it touches, translocated throughout the plant, interferes ...
There are a small number of occasions where there are no viable alternatives to using herbicides - for example when treating invasive species such as giant hog weed and Japanese knotweed or vegetation ...
Liz Stahl, extension educator of crops from University of Minnesota Extension in Worthington explains things producers need to remember when adding cover crops and herbicides together on an operation.
But can herbicides stay in hay and other soil amendments? The University of Washington extension site has plenty of examples ...
HPPD-herbicides inhibit 4-hydroxyphenyl pyruvate ... Impact and Callisto, for example) or as components of premixtures. “Anecdotal reports from the field in 2009 indicated there might be a ...
Oxford-based agricultural biotech firm Moa Technology has stepped up the global hunt for a safe, effective and affordable ...