Save money and enhance the taste of your meals with fresh herbs. Just make sure they get enough sunlight and plant them in ...
Buying a pot of your favourite herb should, in theory mean you have a long-lasting supply to pick from. However, the reality can often be different. Despite your best intentions, that basil plant ...
Before getting a smart garden, I tried growing herbs in pots with mixed success: “Generally, city kitchens do not have the full sun required to keep herbs alive,” says Sera Rogue, owner of ...
an at-home herb garden is a great way to dip your toe into the gardening world. Flip through the slideshow for 20 tips for a thriving herb garden, from when to plant and how to prune to preserving ...
The amount of daylight is slowly getting longer. My African violets are all in bloom, my rabbit’s foot fern has put up a new ...