The result can be packed into frame walls onsite, or it can be made into prefabricated blocks or segments that can be shipped to the construction site. In walls, hemp is great for managing humidity.
Asinikahtamwak is an Indigenous-owned hemp block company that makes environmentally sustainable building blocks made of cement, water and fibre-based materials like hemp. The bricks have mold and fire ...
This district will manufacture hemp-based and other bio-based products for the building and retrofit sectors. Hemp blocks, hempcrete, boards, insulation, and interior finishes, which have proven ...
A new manufacturing plant in the northeastern Alberta community of Elk Point is blending hemp and other additives into concrete to make lightweight building blocks resistant to weather ...
This week we talk to Micaela Machado, who's building with hemp in Tuscan, Arizona, and throwing a Hemp Building Fiesta.