hempcrete is nonstructural and inserted in blocks within building frames. The ones here are from Hempitecture of Jerome, Idaho, a leading US hemp supplier and builder that we featured in ...
By Cyril Nii Ayitey TETTEHGreetings Ghana, it has been a long minute since we engaged here and before we could blink, it is almost the end of Q1, 2025! Phew! How time flies! The good news however is, ...
This district will manufacture hemp-based and other bio-based products for the building and retrofit sectors. Hemp blocks, hempcrete, boards, insulation, and interior finishes, which have proven ...
A new manufacturing plant in the northeastern Alberta community of Elk Point is blending hemp and other additives into concrete to make lightweight building blocks resistant to weather ...
This week we talk to Micaela Machado, who's building with hemp in Tuscan, Arizona, and throwing a Hemp Building Fiesta.