The success of recycling plastic is abysmal — the U.S. rate is roughly 7% — but in theory it can be done. So, I was delighted when I learned that Tucson, Ariz., where I live, was starting a pilot ...
Roughly 16 years after Concord instituted a pay-as-you-throw trash program, residents are torn over how effective the program ...
First came millennial toilet paper, then came millennial trash bags. Hefty debuted a limited-edition line of "talking trash bags" on Monday, featuring 20 unique sayings. Though the cheeky phrases ...
Other plastic products, including trash bags, bubble wrap, straws, and styrofoam can be disposed of in Hefty ReNew orange bags. For convenience, each orange bag features a list of hard-to-recycle ...
Her family participates in the Hefty ReNew recycling program ... Loose plastic caps go in orange bags or in the trash. McCullough, the city’s materials program manager, said it’s always ...