Two teenage boys unwittingly summon an ancient evil entity known as The Blind One by delving into black magic while trying to escape their mundane lives. During a series of adrenaline-fueled gigs, ...
Amid the social strife of 1970s Britain emerged NWOBHM, the New Wave of British Heavy Metal. New bands from ordinary British towns and suburbs like Iron Maiden, Def Leppard; Saxon, and Girlschool ...
It consists of live performances of "Feedbacker" and "Flood", music videos for "A Bao A Qu" and "The Evil One Which Sobs", and the titular short film Heavy Metal Me. The short film is actually a ...
A touring small-time rock band called The Group picks up a couple of groupies. One night, the band's drunken, hulking bass player goes nuts and rapes the girls. The band refuses to believe that he's ...
A big riff or two doesn’t hurt either. Even if you don’t count “Immigrant Song” as strictly heavy metal, it’s clearly one of the great hard rock songs of the 70s and inspired countless ...
B-movie queen Julie Strain provides the voice of a sexy, steely-eyed warrior this sizzling sequel to the legendary 1981 cartoon cult classic. Other voices include Billy Idol, Michael Ironside ...
3D Country, the band’s 2023 release, is as intense and adventurous as it is tender and existential, and the same can be said about Heavy Metal—but in a different vein. As he croons over love ...