Buckeye Chuck, Ohio's official weather-predicting groundhog, is less than three weeks away from returning to Marion.
Celebrate February 2nd with these free printable groundhog day activities.This fun holiday will have you working through a ...
GROUNDHOG DAY QUIZ! HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW THE FACTS ABOUT THIS UNIQUE DAY? If Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow at daybreak and runs away, tradition dictates that he has predicted that there will ...
Feb. 2, is perhaps one of America's weirdest traditions. People wait for a large furry rodent to see his shadow and then we predict the weather based on ...
Gordy was nearly 5 years old when he died in 2023. Here's why the County Zoo has taken its time in procuring a new groundhog.
Repetition is an art of infinite variety as it's practiced by Andy Karl in 'Groundhog Day,' the dizzyingly witty new musical from the creators of 'Matilda.' Portraying a man doomed to relive a ...
Groundhog lodges across the state are getting ready for the big day Friday, and it's not all ... It's South Whitehall's take on a Pennsylvania Dutch tradition that dates back to when the Germans ...
As the German-speaking Pennsylvanian Dutch settled in America, the tradition moved stateside with a groundhog replacing the badger. The first official Groundhog Day took place in 1887 in Punxsutawney.
On Friday, the city of Boulder takes on its own Groundhog Day tradition with a slightly different twist known as Flatiron Freddy. On Friday, the city of Boulder takes on its own Groundhog Day ...
died in March 2023 just weeks after predicting an early spring at the annual Groundhog Day ceremony, many Milwaukeeans were surprised. Bridget Carpenter, assistant curator of the zoo's family farm ...