A child in Kent County had nightmares after losing her parent to a drug overdose because she didn’t know how the parent died ...
The Sharing Place, to raise awareness of Utah's initiative connecting bereaved families who can help them figure out grief ...
I am going through a tough time emotionally. My mom is in hospice care, which means she is nearing the end of her life. We are very close.
When local teacher Lisa Tolliver Lehman lost her husband to cancer when her two kids were in elementary school, she started a group at her school for grieving children. Club Hope was soon formed ...
“My experience of losing my daughter shined a light on the struggle for children who are grieving,” Vesey said. “Many adults ...
Sharon Verbeten, a librarian and longtime writer in the funeral industry, received a $2,000 grant to create and distribute ...
Abel Hardman, 11, rests his face on the shoulder of his mother, Trina Supp, while they listen to a press conference announcing a newly established bereavement support network for children ...