Hoplite infantrymen were the military ideal of ancient Greece and were recruited from ... A highly successful 'war machine', the phalanx was used primarily against other Greeks who obeyed the ...
The Peloponnesian War in which Athens fought Sparta began ... were similar to those employed elsewhere in the Greek-speaking world. Hoplite warriors formed phalanxes, which advanced in lockstep.
How did the Hoplite fight? A thoughtful introduction by Richard A. Gabriel pointing out the numerous problems of doing ancient military history opens A Storm of Spears. The book is based on Matthew’s ...
Experts suggest Corinthian helmets limited the wearer's peripheral vision, but that limitation may not have mattered in ancient Greek hoplite warfare, where warriors stood close together in a ...
Sears (New Brunswick, Canada) rather impressively manages to produce an overview of some 1,200 years of warfare in ancient Greece and Hellenic-influenced ... “Bronze Age and Homeric Warfare”, “The ...