Packed into the phalanx, the hoplite used his shield ... methods were similar to those employed elsewhere in the Greek-speaking world. Hoplite warriors formed phalanxes, which advanced in lockstep.
Hoplite infantrymen were the military ideal ... They fought primarily in a phalanx, a tightly packed shield and spear formation that might be several ranks deep and many soldiers wide.
In 1882, in an Etruscan tomb near Veii, about 16 kilometers north of Rome, a Greek pitcher—an olpe—was discovered. It had ...
This formation was known as a ‘phalanx’. A hoplite had to pay for his armour ... Spartan women also had more freedom than other Greek women. For example, they could run the family farm.
Seven deal with trends in land warfare in periods varying from several centuries to just a few decades (e.g. “Bronze Age and Homeric Warfare”, “The Hoplite Phalanx”, “The ... those unfamiliar with ...
but that limitation may not have mattered in ancient Greek hoplite warfare, where warriors stood close together in a "phalanx" or block, with their shields and spears facing forward. But the ...
This formation was known as a ‘phalanx’. A hoplite had to pay for his armour ... Spartan women also had more freedom than other Greek women. For example, they could run the family farm.