The Assam Direct Recruitment Exam scores for Grade 3, 4 posts was released on March 7, 2025. The steps to download the results are given below.
ADRE grade 4 test for HSLC, HSLC+ITI and Class 8 level posts was conducted on October 27. SLRC Assam released the provisional answer keys and candidates were invited to raise objections.
LIVE: Results of the grade 3 and grade 4 posts of Assam Direct Recruitment Examination (ADRE) have been announced. Candidates ...
Whereas the ADRE grade 4 test for HSLC, HSLC+ITI and Class 8 level posts was conducted on October 27. Also read: IGNOU confers over 3 lakh degrees, diplomas, and certificates at its 38th ...