Last year Google made a decision that, in my mind, was pretty baffling. It added a temperature sensor onto the back of the Pixel 8 Pro that could record temperatures of humans and whatever ...
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a state-of-the-art smartphone with a built-in temperature sensor. On the camera bar, to the right ...
The Google Nest Temperature Sensor is a great device to add to your home if you already have a Google Nest Thermostat. Most homes aren’t the same temperature in every room, and Nest Temperature ...
In the Google Home app, you can add multiple sensors ... Thermostat didn’t automatically come with the Nest Temperature Sensor, I had no idea how helpful a sensor like this would be.
Of course, we know better. Inside his gadget is a simple temperature sensor, an ATtiny841, a very nice home-made PCB, a buzzer, an LCD, and some pushbuttons. [Domen] rubbed together a few pre ...