Double glazing or secondary glazing – which should I choose? - Double glazing, secondary glazing, triple glazing and even quadruple glazing. There are plenty of options open to homeowners when they ...
Secondary glazing is best understood as another window behind your original. There is a much bigger gap between the two panes and the gap is simply air rather than argon or another inert gas.
Living in Dundee means getting the taste of real Scottish weather sensations: cold winds, heavy rains, and with a sneaky sun ...
Double glazing windows guide - how much should it cost ... If your windows are leaking, sticky, fogging up (especially between the glass panes) or letting draughts and noise in, the it could ...
Double and triple-glazed windows help reduce outside noise and ... fogging up (especially between the glass panes) or letting draughts and noise in, the it could mean they need repairing.