The 15-credit online graduate certificate in GIS provides advanced rigorous training in the core of geospatial science at your own pace. Graduate students from across graduate disciplines can apply ...
Our Graduate GIS Certificate entails 12 graduate credit hours of GIS, including one required core course in Geographic Information Science (GEOG670), and 9 elective GIS course credits. Our GIS courses ...
Please see the website below for more information. The 15-credit online graduate certificate in GIS provides advanced rigorous training in the core of geospatial science at your own pace. Graduate ...
The program draws upon faculty expertise in both departments, providing interdisciplinary training in spatial data analysis and computation, both of which characterize GIS in most career paths.
The GIS certificate is an 18-credit program that students can pursue on a full- or part-time basis, usually completing the certificate in less than two years. Courses cover the latest image-processing ...
Focus will be on creating maps using GIS software and digital data. A working knowledge of ArcGIS is required. This course will provide hands-on experience with various types of GPS units and ...
Cutting-edge technology for public service. With a graduate certificate in GIS for Local Government, you'll be equipped to harness the power of mapping and data analysis to manage assets and make ...
The GIS certificate is a 15-credit program that students can pursue on a full- or part-time basis, usually completing the certificate in less than two years. Courses cover the latest image-processing ...
The program uses specially-designed online versions of our GIS courses to teach the fundamentals of geospatial ... science to urban planning to business decision-making. This certificate program ...
The courses are led by college faculty and experienced leaders ... zip codes, and watersheds. The GIS certificate program, designed to be completed in one year, is ideal for students who wish to focus ...
Integration of spatial statistical software with GIS. Introduction to appropriate spatial statistics techniques including kernel smoothing, kriging, point processes and spatially correlated areal data ...