Instead, like many other marine animals, the use of gillnets causes them to become bycatch. This is what has led to the decline of the vaquita, despite being a protected species by two separate ...
A new bill aims to reduce the number of sea lions, sharks, rays, skates and giant sea bass dying off the coast of Southern California in huge set gillnets the size of 20 football fields ...
The primary threat facing this shy, small animal is entanglement in fishing gear, particularly gillnets set to catch shrimp, sharks, and other finfish. There has been a recent resurgence in illegal ...
WWF response to the Government of Mexico permanently banning the use of gillnets in the Upper Gulf of California... In response to the Government of Mexico today permanently banning the use of ...
The import ban places enormous pressure on the Mexican government to stop the use of deadly gillnets that are entangling, drowning, and killing the vaquita porpoise, whose population has likely ...
The vaquita is the most endangered marine mammal on the planet. Countless vaquitas have been drowned in gillnets, which is their biggest single threat. While only a few vaquitas remain, recent ...
Vaquitas get caught in illegal gillnets that fishermen use to target totoaba, a fish whose swim bladder can go for tens of thousands of dollars per kilo on the international black market.