Party guests will be scrambling for the gift you brought. I love a white elephant Christmas party, especially one where my besties and I gather around and exchange thoughtful gifts as a token of ...
For those not familiar, a white elephant is a gift exchange where everyone brings the most random, quirky, funny gifts they can find. Usually, there's a set price range, while some parties ...
For the uninitiated, here’s how the whole concept works. Everyone invited to the party shows up with a wrapped White Elephant gift. Guests arrange themselves in a circle, placing gifts in the ...
It doesn’t matter if you’re going to a holiday celebration, a gift exchange, having dinner with friends, or visiting family, don’t show up without a gift in hand. Shop Walmart, Amazon ...
A Kentucky woman is full of cheer — thanks to some extra cash — after choosing wisely at her company's recent white elephant gift exchange. Lori Janes, an office manager and treatment ...