Learn tried-and-tested ways to germinate seeds, including expert techniques to speed up growth and ensure your plants have ...
A lthough the practice of making solid blocks of soil for growing seeds isn’t new (it may go back over 2000 years), soil ...
We’ve all certainly confronted another unwanted result of conventional seed-sowing methods: the pileup of leftover plastic cell packs better skipped in the name of the environment.
One pushback against both issues is to become a soil-blocking convert, learning to form trays of free-standing cubes of compressed germinating mix to sow into instead. For many gardeners and ...
Growing autoflowers without bottled nutrients is not only possible but also highly effective. Many growers prefer organic methods because they produce cleaner, more flavorful buds while reducing ...
Home gardeners can take their own soil temperature measurement. Soil temperature affects germination of many garden foods.
For gardens, mix one part compost with two parts soil for planting. For lawns, spread compost lightly over the grass and rake it in to improve soil health. Composting not only reduces waste but ...