If you wish to enrol in a German course at the Goethe-Institut, please book the Online Placement Test. This online placement test is designed to gauge your level of German. Once you have taken the ...
If you wish to enroll in a German course at the Goethe-Institut or at one of our partner institutions, please book the Online Placement Test. For internationally recognised proof of German language ...
Students taking Chinese, French, German, and Spanish can take a placement test to ensure they enroll in the correct course level. (Students enrolling in Italian will work directly with their faculty ...
Students who have learned any German prior to enrolling at Boston College (e.g. in elementary, middle, or high school, at a foreign institution, during a stay abroad, or informally with your family) ...
Calvin University offers students the opportunity to take French, German, and Spanish language placement assessments online. These tests are designed to help determine what sequence of language ...
Please sign up for the course suggested upon finishing the placement test. If you have never studied German, you do NOT need to take the German Placement Test. Enroll in GERM1001: Elementary German I.
If you have had previous experience or education in this language,you will need to take the German Placement Test first to see which level you should enroll in. Go to Miami's Foreign Language ...
If you have previous language experience and plan to continue your modern language studies at Michigan Tech, you must take the French, German, or Spanish placement test. Beginning students with no ...
It is recommended that you take a world language placement test if: You have had one or more years of world language in high school (within the last two years) You wish to take courses in French, ...