"It’s a one-time capital investment that would yield long-term ... benefits." Lawmakers consider groundbreaking program that ...
We believe the overall utility cost for the building as a whole will be less than in a typical building,” said Brooke ...
The pipes, which circulate a fluid that absorbs and releases heat, will loop back to up to 69 buildings in a four-block area ...
Geothermal systems use a network of pipes and pumps to circulate water, drawing heat into buildings during winter and ...
An 8-kilometer pipeline is being built to supply geothermal heat to the city of Burghausen from the Kirchweidach-Halsbach ...
The City of Boise is working on a geothermal pipe in the area as part of its larger effort to replace aging geothermal lines ...
Hamilton Avenue School in Greenwich, Conn., was the target of an "astroturfing" email campaign that lobbied public officials ...
Quaise Energy has been dazzling us lately with its bleeding-edge plans to tap super-deep, superheated steam as a global power ...
New Mexico lawmakers are considering a significant investment in geothermal energy. Discover how this could create new job ...
Secretary of Energy Chris Wright on Tuesday threw his support behind a vast expansion in geothermal energy. Emerging forms of ...
Seismic surveys in Poznan, Poland will assess geothermal potential for district heating, marking a key step toward cleaner ...