Newark Advocate Faith Works columnist Jeff Gill launches his four-week overview of the Bible's 66 books, starting from the ...
The book of Genesis is plainly supernatural in its viewpoint ... The Interpreter’s Bible in its first volume contains a commentary on Genesis. Although the exegesis is marred, in this writer ...
For example, in his book Seven Days that Divide the World ... In that connection, Hugh Ross in a recent debate revealed his way of interpreting the Genesis text: “I believe the Bible teaches a ...
The P source, in fact, frames the Torah with its own material: The first chapter of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, is from the P source, and most of the last chapter of the last book of the ...
Genesis 11 is the story of how humans soon ... early Christians believed that the Hebrew Bible was God's book, and therefore a book that should cast light on current events and moral conundrums.
The Jews divided their sacred books into sections. The chapter division, as found in the Bible today, dates from the thirteenth century and is the work of Stephen Langton, professor at the ...
Some Christians believe that the Bible accounts and stories ... The authors of the biblical books had limited knowledge of science and the world, so the Genesis account was their way of trying ...