EBIO 1210 and EBIO 1220 (along with the labs, 1230 &1240) together serve as an introduction to Biology in the 21st Century. These courses are prerequisites for nearly every subsequent EBIO course. In ...
BIO160 & BIO165 will be accepted for General Biology I & II for all students who ... All Students (Completed at a college of the student's choice) Students interested in the 1+1 articulation agreement ...
Essentials of Biology is a non-majors general biology course without a laboratory. The topics that will be covered include biological molecules, cell structure and function, cellular metabolism, cell ...
You should meet with your college-based professional ... 4 Students in the General Option must complete six (6) upper-level biology electives of which three (3) must have labs. Labs can be taken as a ...
Cell and molecular biology emphasis The cell and molecular biology emphasis includes courses in genetics and cell biology, on top of your general biology education ... of financial aid to help you ...
Details of the requirements for each degree are available through the University Bulletin. Core biology courses are taken by students pursuing either the BA or the BS. BIOL 14, 15 and 16 can be taken ...