Q: I have had trouble growing Russelia (firecracker fern) in pots. They get full sun. I bring them in during cold weather. I ...
Gardening is more rewarding when your efforts meet with success. These gardening tips will help make that happen.
A well-designed flower bed can breathe new life into drab garden corners and improve your home’s curb appeal. Whether you’re ...
Humans aren't the only ones looking forward to fresh fruit in the spring. Squirrels and opossums often grab the best bite ...
These budget-friendly projects prove that with a little creativity, everyday materials can be given new purpose, helping both ...
Did you know that leftover coffee grounds can be a valuable resource for your garden? Instead of dumping them, you can easily ...
Spring has sprung and you want to clean up the garden. But wait! Leave stalks and leaves alone because they are beneficial ...
Bees make great pollinators, but so do butterflies. Here are some tips on how to create a butterfly-friendly pollinator ...
Caring for caladiums indoors involves providing indirect light, maintaining warmth, humidity, and proper watering, and using ...
Michael, a gardening expert, shared his top tips for achieving the perfect lawn, starting with filling any holes with earth and moistening the soil in areas that need overseeding. He then advised ...
To care for lavender as an indoor plant, provide ample sunlight, proper drainage, and low humidity. Regular pruning, sparing watering, and well-draining soil will promote healthy growth and vibrant bl ...
Gardening experts have shared 7 ways to keep rats away from your garden and warned homeowners to look out for super rats.