Shivering as you get your daily mail, you may just be rewarded with a sure sign of spring – garden catalogs. Chances are, if you get one, you’ll get many. Like a breath of fresh air ...
Even if you have no plans to start your garden from seed, garden catalogs give the chance to imagine what’s possible. Often in full color, these catalogs share what’s new and tell stories of ...
He leads off this year with a philosophical letter—“Civilization began in a garden. . .” and so on. The catalogue’s emphasis is on flower seeds, to which it devotes twice as many pages as ...
Garden catalogs provide a colorful respite from the dreary winter weather. It’s a good time to consider what will be new for 2025. If you’re a trendsetter, then you will be interested in the ...
Jillian Patrie | University of Minnesota Yard and Garden Extension ...