He has taught economics courses on games of strategy, and written books on the subject for students and for the general audience. Here Prof. Dixit explains game theory and its impact on situations ...
THIS book is based on the theory that the economic man attempts to maximize his share of the world's goods and services in the same way that a participant in a game involving many players attempts ...
Roth, Alvin E. "The Economist As Engineer: Game Theory, Experimental Economics and Computation As Tools of Design Economics." Econometrica 70, no. 4 (July 2002): 1341–1378.
Dixit, who compares academic research to rock climbing—it’s “the breathtaking view from the top” that makes it all worthwhile—is a passionate advocate of game theory and argues it has become part of ...
Game theory is the formal study of conflict and cooperation. Game theoretic concepts apply whenever the actions of several agents are interdependent. These agents may be individuals, groups, firms, or ...
James J. O'Connor Distinguished Professor of Decision and Game Sciences, or Director of the Center for Game Theory and Economic Behavior, or Editor-in-Chief of Games and Economic Behavior ...
He has taught economics of competition at the MBA and Executive MBA ... decentralization versus centralization; game theory; and behavioral finance.
But by the economics definition you have to spit ... have done more than anyone else of his generation to define the most rewarding questions of game theory. For Aumann, the most challenging part, is ...
A key part of the theory behind a successful nuclear deterrent has fallen away. This is described in game theory – the mathematical study of strategic interactions – as the idea of a ...
For him, game theory can help design a stable, peaceful social system because it provides a general framework and reminds us that many different issues need to be taken into account. Experts in ...