1. Whisk the flour, baking powder, Cajun seasoning, egg, and milk. Heat the oil in a large saucepan. 2. Pat dry the pickles with kitchen paper. Dip into the batter, then lightly into the breadcrumbs.
Grease. It makes everything taste that much better. From french fries to deep-fried pickles, Americans have a love affair with the deep fryer. For centuries, people have been cooking with oil, and ...
With the pickles coated, I heat enough vegetable oil in a deep frying pan over medium-high heat for frying. I know the oil is ready when it reaches about 350°F (175°C).
Amy Kritzer Becker, a food blogger known for her Jewish fare on "What Jew Wanna Eat," told "Good Morning America" about her fried pickle latkes and how she first came up with the clever culinary ...
While pickles can be high in sodium, they are a good source of vitamin K. In moderation, they make a great snack. A rising trend is deep-fried pickles. The pickle is wrapped in dough or dipped in ...