The dropping temperatures of fall are a reminder to start thinking about preparing your garden for the frostiest season ahead - from trees, to perennials and edible plants, it's important to find ...
Herbs can often be particularly difficult to judge, which might leave you questioning 'is mint frost-tolerant?' Growing mint is fairly straightforward, so long as it receives plenty of sunlight in ...
Before too long, it will be time to start planting vegetables — at least some vegetables.
Left to their own accord, seeds would drop to the ground in late summer or autumn, survive winter, then germinate when the soil and air temperatures are optimal. So why not mimic nature by creating ...
are best started indoors (or outdoors after the danger of frost has passed) because their sprouts are too tender to withstand low temperatures. But cold-tolerant herbs, such as parsley ...
are best started indoors (or outdoors after the danger of frost has passed) because their sprouts are too tender to withstand low temperatures. But cold-tolerant herbs, such as parsley ...