Experience some of the most horrifying thrillers of all time in this Friday the 13th collection featuring films 5-8. Original price was $31.99 and now price is $14.99 $31.99 $14.99 ...
Jason Voorhees of the "Friday the 13th" series has been slicing and dicing his way through teenagers for decades now, but ...
We're getting a double helping of scary dates this October. Halloween is, of course, the main attraction, but a genuine Friday the 13th in the middle of spooky season is furthering the month's ...
Do you suffer from Friggatriskaidekaphobia, the fear of Friday 13th? You're not the only one. It’s one of the most pervasive superstitions in Western culture, alongside crossing a black cat or ...
The weekend is here, but before the weekend, today is 'Friday the 13th'. There is a popular superstition associated with this day, as it is considered unlucky. Friggatriskaidekaphobia is a common ...
Common to modern folklore are myths about Friday the 13th being the most unlucky day of the year, and those who believe tend to be a bit more on edge. There is no record of Friday the 13th being ...
We all have seen mumma’s boy Jason Voorhees go on a killing spree on the night of Friday The 13th with a Full Moon lighting up the iconic hockey mask. Although, it might be a common occurrence in the ...