Balancing the opportunities and risks of free and open source software was the theme of FOSS Backstage in Berlin.
Free and open source software (FOSS) was a recurring theme during many of the talks during the HOPE XII conference, which should probably come as no surprise. Hackers aren’t big fans of being ...
Moved from Windows or Linux? Smooth some of the rough edges Friday FOSS fest There are some idiosyncrasies about macOS that long term Mac users may never notice, but cause frustration in people more ...
This is often different with Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) projects, where the motivation to develop the software is in many cases derived more out of passion and sometimes a wildly ...
F-Droid is a free and open-source alternative app store for Android - here are my favorite apps that are exclusively ...
Friday FOSS fest There are some idiosyncrasies about macOS that ... We do sometimes encounter Mac users who are under the impression that the only way to install software is via the App Store, and ...
These guidelines establish the minimum requirements and controls to be met by contributors to Free and Open Source Software ("FOSS") communities. The Company supports certain activities associated ...
We therefore hereby grant the following additional permission with respect to the use and distribution of the Software with Other FOSS, and the constants, function signatures, data structures and ...