A new study found that children whose mothers took an essential vitamin early in pregnancy had significantly higher verbal ...
Usual dose: up to 1mg daily; may need higher dose if resistant disease. Maintenance: infants: 0.1mg/day; <4yrs: 0.3mg/day; ≥4yrs: 0.4mg/day. Pregnant or lactating ...
He's studying leucovorin, an inexpensive, generic drug derived from folic acid, also known as folate or vitamin B9. Leucovorin is currently prescribed to ease the side effects of cancer chemotherapy.
An off-label prescription drug has been shown to help children with autism gain the ability to speak. Leucovorin is used for cancer patients, but doctors are pushing for its approval for autism.
If your brand of multivitamin also contains folic acid, be sure to tell your doctor ... Make sure lab personnel and all your doctors know you use this drug. Does interact with other drugs you ...
Consult your doctor before breastfeeding. If your brand of multivitamin also contains folic acid, be sure to tell your doctor or pharmacist if you take certain anti-seizure drugs (including ...
Taking a higher dose of folic acid during the first trimester of pregnancy was safe and associated with improved verbal abilities in children at age six as well as improved behavior skills, according ...
Taking a higher dose of folic acid during the first trimester of pregnancy was safe and associated with improved verbal ...
The central repository of the drug and medication centre helps to navigate to different sections. Medindia's platform provides carefully curated details on generics, brand names, side-effects ...
Folic acid 5mg/mL; soln for IV, IM or SC inj; contains benzyl alcohol and aluminum. Usual dose: up to 1mg daily; may need higher dose if resistant disease. Maintenance: infants: 0.1mg/day ...