[Xyster101] is showing of his build of Doc Brown’s Flux Capacitor. [Xyster101] opted for a plywood case — much more economical than the $125 it would have cost him for a proper electrical box.
Add a flux capacitor and a Mr. Fusion to a DeLorean and it becomes a time machine. But without those, a DeLorean is just a car. A 35-year old car at that, and thus lacking even the most basic ...
var digg_url = 'https://www.digg.com/offbeat_news/The_ill_effects_of_an_overheating_Flux_Capacitor'; This is what happens when you don't get those 1.21 Jigowatts of ...
This Ford ad offers a "Flux Capacitor" for its Focus and Fiesta models. The first disclaimer on the screen reads "For recreational use only. Interfering with major historical events is illegal and ...
The flux capacitor is, of course, a fictional device. See flux. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction requires permission.