Want to know the core plants you can grow to add beauty while helping beneficial garden friends? Discover the best ...
The corpse flower's "perfume" is so important in attracting pollinators that the plant will even chemically heat up to about human body temperature in order to help release its scent. Hint ...
At the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, a so-called corpse flower bloomed for the first time on Friday. The smell was not unlike ...
Butterflies and bees are important garden visitors — they’re both pollinators, which means they help plants reproduce. When ...
Pollinators are insects that visit the flowers we grow. They drink the nectar from the flowers and when they do, they get sticky pollen grains on their body which they take from flower to flower.
The Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney is experiencing a rush like never before. After all, it’s the first time in 15 years that ...
The corpse flower, which is native to Indonesia and known scientifically as Amorphophallus gigas, grabs headlines at gardens ...
"Amorphophallus gigas," nicknamed the "corpse flower" for the rotting flesh odor it emits, is expected to bloom at the ...
To start a chaste tree from seed, collect and extract the seed from mature fruit in the fall. Plant it in a container filled ...
A plant known as the stinky plant or the corpse flower for its putrid stink is about to bloom in Australia and has captivated ...