But what about, err, going? Urine flow can be an important leading indicator for a host of diseases and conditions, but it generally relies on subjective reports from the patient. Is there a way ...
You had obstruction of the urinary tract. In adult men, the most common cause by far is prostate enlargement.
Inflammation and irritation often result in the leakage of red blood cells into the urine. If a stone in the kidney or ...
With a condition called BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia), one of the ways to monitor it is taking measurements of urinary flow rate. Being able to take these measurements at home provides better ...
Medications. Medications that calm overactive nerves may inhibit the bladder's nerve cells and interfere with urine flow. These can include antihistamines used to treat allergies, antispasmodics used ...
TitanFlow is a male urinary health supplement formulated by Zenith Labs to address the challenges men face with aging urinary and prostate health. Unlike conventional prostate health solutions, ...
The result of all this balancing and filtering is urine. It flows from the kidneys through the ureters to the bladder, where it's stored until the next commercial break, rest area or whenever it's ...