larvae and the queen ant, before breaking down quickly. It's safe for humans and pets. You can report an infestation to the National Fire Ant Eradication Program by calling 13 25 23 and it's ...
The presence of a few red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren, workers on aphid bearing cotton plants reduced aphid predator effectiveness in the laboratory. The predators Hippodamia ...
It comes after footage of a woman being arrested at her home in southeast Queensland for allegedly refusing to allow National Fire Ant Eradication Program staff on her property. The video was ...
Number of eggs and larvae monitored as a function of patch size (area and total number of plants) to determine optimum patch-size variables. In areas where the density of fire ant mounds demonstrated ... • Larvae of phorid flies in the genus Pseudacteon have the unusual habit of decapitating fire ...
In ants, reproductive or worker fate is typically determined during the larval stage, through feeding regimes managed by adult caretakers. However, the feeding care provided to larvae varies ...