In this interactive, find out what an F-15 fighter pilot wears in the air and what he carries in case he must eject.—Lexi Krock Marty Richard, call sign OPUS, has been an F-15 pilot for 12 years.
Afroman Fighter Pilot Trainer Feel the adrenaline with a combat pilot in the game Afroman Fighter Pilot Trainer. Perform daring maneuvers, dodge enemy fire and unleash destructive attacks in aerial ...
In rapid air-combat maneuvering, a fighter pilot can only take so many g-forces ... So does this mean future war is a video game where soldiers are fat nerds sitting at consoles and all the ...
That no one was killed and only two were seriously injured comes as a relief to the American and Korean commands, anxious to ...
Marty Richard, call sign OPUS, has been an F-15 pilot for 12 years. He flew in the Gulf War and has piloted commercial jets professionally. Now a fighter pilot in the 102nd Fighter Wing ...