The fig tree scion exchange is Sunday March 16 from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Astoria Food Pantry, 25-82 Steinway St.
Can you grow a fig from a fig tree? Well, it was Epictetus that said, 'If you tell me that you desire a fig. I answer you ...
So by growing yours in a pot, you’ll be able to move it indoors during the winter to protect it from the frost which is a ...
San Diego has the perfect set of environmental conditions for fig trees to thrive. Gardeners who want a fig tree in their ...
Fig lovers have devised numerous clever ways to grow figs beyond their hardiness zone. The simplest of these is to grow figs in containers—to which 'Little Miss Figgy' is well suited—and ...
Gardeners and tree stewards take note!The Astoria Food Pantry, at 25-28 Steinway St., is branching into new territory from 1 to 2 p.m. March 16, with the area’s first-ever fig ...
FIG recognize the time, financial investment and contribution, over a number of years, from Stanley Growers Staff and Management and are keen to ensure that the core business carries on un ...