Today's twisted-pair copper ethernet data busses are maxed out, but the tactical glass and optics folks at Corning have a ...
If you’ve ever hacked a bit further than pure home applications of Ethernet, you’ll know there’s a way to put it onto fiber optic. Fiber is wonderful for even longer distance runs than ...
Would you like to opt out of the Ethernet cabling upgrade rat race, at least for a while? Do like [Stefan Schüller] did, and use fiber optics for your home networking needs! [Stefan] walks you ...
Ethernet cables can be coaxial, a twisted pair or fiber optic. Seven different Ethernet cables are available on the market: CAT5, CAT5E, CAT6, CAT6A, CAT7, CAT7A and CAT8. Each differs in purpose ...
and also 40 Gigabit Ethernet (40 GbE) over fiber cables. The 40 Gbe is designed for use within the organization between servers and the Ethernet switch, while 100 GbE is geared to long-distance ...
Press ReleaseOpenreach chooses Nokia to build open-access fiber network to connect millions to faster broadbandNokia building open access ...
“The work of the IEEE 802.3cc 25 Gb/s Ethernet over Single-Mode Fiber Task Force has demonstrated how responding quickly to industry demand for greater energy-efficient Ethernet capabilities can be ...
FirstLight provides high-bandwidth connectivity solutions, such as Ethernet and dark fiber services, as well as dedicated internet access solutions, data center, cloud and voice services.